Shaping the Future of Human Learning & Development with the Power of Science and Humanities.

Our mission

The community language is currently German. As most of us work in multinational contexts and it is only a question of time, when we will be a bilingual community, the information on this page is provided in English to ensure maximum future viability. 

Learning and Development Empowered by Science and Humanities. 

We are facing disruptive change in many areas of our lives. Will we be successful at transforming our technologies, economies and societies quickly and radically enough? Will we survive the challenges of climate change, pandemics, anti-democratic movements and job computerization without giving up the achievements of our civilization? Our chances of scceeding at this Herculean task greatly depend on a revolution in the area of learning and development.

We are convinced that we need a growing number of thought leading learning and development pros willing to take responsibility and power, and intellectually capable of re-inventing education at all levels. We are devoted to empowering human resource trainers, organizational development consultants and coaches with cutting-edge science and humanities. It is our purpose to give them inspiration for developing new, evidence-based education environments, to give them ideas, good arguments, conviction and perseverance to face all challenges ahead. 

Recent Special Events

  • Franz Erdmannsdorfer und Stefan Leibelt: Agile Memo Game. Eine spielerische Vorbereitung auf die agile Welt und die Prüfung zum SCRUM Master
  • Dr. med. Franz Sperlich: Der Globe of Emotions
  • Prof. Dr. Anke van Kempen: Wissenschaftskommunikation und Narrative
  • Rena Wißmeier: Walking on Egshells zwischen sinnvoller Mäßigung und öffentlicher Profillosigkeit
  • Dr. Margret Klinkhammer: Skizze eines neurosystemischen Transformationsmodells
  • Dr. Franz Hütter: Repetitorium Neuroanatomie und Neurophysiologie
  • Stephan Günther Dolle: Transaktionsanalyse und Neuro: was können wir von NASA Coaches lernen?
  • Dr. Jonathan T. Mall: Neuroflash: Neuromarketing mit Künstlicher Intelligenz
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lenz: Künstliche Intelligenz, Systeme und Psyche
  • Dr. Margret Klinkhammer: Change Game II: Die Conceptboard-Variante von Flip4Change®
  • Dr. Franz Hütter: Ansätze zu einer Neuroästhetik
  • Katja Busch: Biopsychologie von Reifegrad-Modellen (Graves, Wardley, 3Horizons…)

Current Partner Projects

Applications of Extended Reality (XR) in Learning & Development

Project Lead: XR-C Academy GmbH, Berlin

Associated NET OF BRAINS members: Petra Isabel Schlerit, Daniel Dunkhase, Sandra Mareike Lang, Dr. Franz Hütter

Project Focus: 

1) Creation and discussion of innovative concepts for training, coaching and consulting in Virtual Reality (VR)

2) Evaluation of psychological and neuroscientific studies on effects and potential side-effect of VR

3) Establishing of quality standards for an effective and safe learning experience in VR

Preliminary Results: 

Senior Scientific Trainer Training

Project Lead: BRAIN-HR, Dr. Franz Hütter

Associated NET OF BRAINS members: 
Dr. rer. medic. Franz Hütter, M.A.
Mag. rer. nat. Monika Herbstrith-Lappe
Prof. Dr. rer. oec., Dipl.-Kfm. Ulrich Lenz
Dr. rer. nat. Dipl. Chem. Tobias Pfaller
PD. Dr. med. Gerhard Niemann
Prof. Dr. phil. Anke van Kempen
Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Sportwiss. Nelly Nguyen
Dr. rer. nat. Margret Klinkhammer, MBA, BA
Caren Frederica Niemann, B.A., M.A.
Dr. Dr. phil. Eva-Sophie Reinhofer
Dipl. Ing. agr. Stephan-Günther Dolle
Anton Haubenberger (haubis)

Project Focus: 

1) Extension of an existing TÜV certifiable Scientific Trainer Training, consisting of neuroscience, psychology and systems theory to a more comprehensive program for a universal scientific education of corporate trainers, consultants and change agents.

2) Incorporation of a wide scope of monthly changing science-2-practice topics including the most urgent issues of our time, such as:

- trends in Artificial Intelligence and AI-human interaction
- scientific literacy, including mathematics, physics and statistics
- biological and behavioral correlates of personal resilience
- systems approaches to organizational resilience
- mindfulness in the age of digitasation
- non-linear change dynamics
- science communications, outreach and PUSH (public understanding of science and humanities)
- narratology and communication neuroscience
- and other emerging topics that are continuously added as the world around us keeps changing

3) Encouragement of participants to transfer the scientific impulses into their own core business in training, coaching, consulting. Long-term mentoring of participants in a group of experienced scientists, leaders and education professionals. 

Preliminary results: The "Senior Scientific Trainer" course is running since January 2022, with a continuous program of monthly scientific topics. New topics for 2023 have been planned. The instructors are recruited 100% from the members of the NET OF BRAINS.

More projects are underway and even more are being planned. For a more detailed overview, feel free to contact us

Featured Members

Anna Momber-Heers - Kommunikations Handwerkerin

Schwerpunkt: exzellent kommunizieren / Speaker- & Präsentations Coaching; Hintergrund: Schauspielerin, Autorin, Facilitatorin

Acting for Business

Stephan-Günther Dolle

Mentor und Förderer engagierter Menschen in der Tiergesundheit und für ONE Health

Schwerpunkte: Humble Leadership, Innovations-getriebenes Marketing, Menschen-zentrierte Organisationsentwicklung, nachhaltige Perspektiven für die Zukunft

Xenia Gerresheim

Trainerin fürs Züricher Ressourcen Modell (ZRM®) und Neuro Coach, Gründerin der Coaching-Scheune.


• Psyche, Körper, Gehirn und Umwelt als Team verstehen und nutzen

• Training, Coaching und Ausbildungen (blendend learning)


Monika Herbstrith-Lappe

Impuls & Wirkung – Herbstrith Management Consulting GmbH, Mathematikerin & Physikerin, Schwerpunkt Erkenntnistheorie, Autorin, Keynote Speakerin & Top Trainerin, 12x „Trainer of the Year“. 


Katja Busch

Expertin für Digitalisierung mit Menschlichkeit.

Schwerpunkte: Inhouse Trainings für interdisziplinäre Teams (New Work/Future Skills), Verhaltenstechnologie, Business Coach & Consultant


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lenz

Lehre für Coaching und Digitales Transformationsmanagement an der Hochschule für angewandtes Management. Schwerpunkte der freiberuflichen Beratungs- und Trainertätigkeit sind Transformatives Coaching, Systemisches Management und Digitalisierung. 
